
It is a great idea to utilize our association to make the profession aware of your company via our various marketing vehicles and continuing education programs. If your company is interested in being actively involved in some of our NPDA events, please review your options:
Advertise in our digital newsletter

There is the opportunity for advertisement in our digital newsletter that is distributed to the all members (approx. 165). We are currently accepting advertisements for the upcoming session. Please contact us if interested in advertising your business in our upcoming newsletter.

Newsletter advertisement: For 3 issues
Full page Ad $1100 per year (+ HST)
Half page Ad $600 per year (+HST)
1/4 page Ad $330 per year (+HST)
Business Card Ad $175 per year (+HST)

Click here to view a sample of our NPDA Newsletter.

Support a social event

Our premier social event is our charity golf tournament. We were featured in the December 2018 issue of Ontario Dentist. Our campaign for the event is “Take the Bite Out of Oral Cancer”. In 2018, the inaugural, we raised $7,500 to benefit The Canadian Cancer Society’s research in oral cancer. Last year, the campaign benefited The Walker Family Cancer Center at Niagara Health – Radiation program development with $15,000 being raised. After a two year COVID hiatus, our 2022 golf tournament donated $20,000 to The Walker Family Cancer Center at Niagara Health.

Click here to view the current Golf Campaign sponsorships available.

This is a great fun day with great prizes and friends. Consider sponsoring a portion of the event and/or come join us for a day of golf.  Contact us now to become a sponsor or to join us.

Sponsor a lecture

Our lecture series for this upcoming season is currently being finalized. Table Sponsorships are available for each specific event. You may choose to table sponsor one lecture event or multiple lectures depending on availability. Pricing is $1500 per event and includes a table set-up, website recognition, and breakfast & lunch at the lecture event. Please contact us if interested in a Table Sponsorship at one of our lectures.

The lectures will take place at White Oaks Resort & Spa located at 253 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. A light continental breakfast will be served from 7:30am-8:00am as well as a breakfast buffet and light lunch sometime throughout the lecture breaks.

Click here to view the current lecture schedule.

Sponsor a CE event lecturer

Our lecturer/presenters for our lecture series for this upcoming season has been finalized. If you are interested in sponsoring a lecturer on a specific topic then please contact us with your proposal. We will review the request to determine if the speaker and lecture topic would be of interest to our group.

Provide a short presentation

This opportunity allows a short presentation and Q&A at one of the NPDA evening dinner meetings. This presentation would be incorporated into our business meeting agenda. Pricing is $2000 per event and includes a table set-up, website recognition, and dinner at the business meeting. The lectures will take place at White Oaks Resort & Spa located at 253 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.

If you are interested in providing a short presentation on a specific topic for the upcoming season please contact us with your proposal. We will review the request to determine if the topic would be of interest to our group.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Golf Tournament


PO Box 29037,
125 Carlton St

St Catharines, Ontario
L2R 7P9

Email Us

Cynthia Letkeman
Executive Assistant

Contact Us Directly

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